Myofiber orientation in the normal and infarcted heart, assessed with MR-diffusion tensor imaging

L. Ossevoort, P.H.M. Bovendeerd, F.W. Prinzen, M.G.J. Arts, K. Nicolaij

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionAcademic

    8 Citations (Scopus)
    1 Downloads (Pure)


    Cardiac fiber orientation is one of the main determinants of fiber stress and strain during ejection. We measured fiber orientation using magnetic resonance diffusion tensor imaging (MR-DTI). Traditional methods to quantify the cardiac fiber field rely on the definition of the coordinate system. We propose to use the entity 'divergence' for characterization of the continuity of the myocardial fiber structure. The divergence is a scalar quantity with a value that is independent of the actual choice of the coordinate system. Moreover, the divergence value of the fiber field expresses the degree of uniformity of stress along the fiber direction. The divergence of the myofiber field appeared to be
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationComputers in cardiology 2001 : Vol. 28 ; [proceedings of the 28th annual meeting] ; September 23-26, Rotterdam, the Netherlands
    Place of PublicationPiscataway
    PublisherInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
    ISBN (Print)0-7803-7266-2
    Publication statusPublished - 2001

    Publication series

    NameComputers in cardiology
    ISSN (Print)0276-6574


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