Multiple-gap spark gap switch

Zhen Liu, K. Yan, G.J.J. Winands, A.J.M. Pemen, E.J.M. Heesch, van, D.B. Pawelek

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A triggered multiple-gap spark gap switch has been developed and tested under atmosphere. By means of an LCR trigger circuit, the multiple-gap switch can be used very reliably. For the same switching voltage (35.5 kV), with increasing the number of gaps from 2 to 6, the switching current rise time is reduced from 13.5 to 6 ns, and the energy efficiency is increased from 87% to 92%. An eight-gap switch was also tested, and the switching current rise time is much smaller than the usable rise time of the current probe (3.5 ns). One interesting application of the multiple-gap switch is to improve the switching performance in the multiple-switch and transmission lines based pulsed power circuit. To verify this application, a six-gap switch was tested. In contrast to a single-gap switch, the output current rise time was improved from 21 to 11 ns by the six-gap switch.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)073501-1-4
Number of pages4
JournalReview of Scientific Instruments
Issue number7
Publication statusPublished - 2006


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