Multiparametric ultrasound in the detection of prostate cancer: a systematic review

Arnoud Postema, Massimo Mischi, Jean de la Rosette, Hessel Wijkstra

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PURPOSE: To investigate the advances and clinical results of the different ultrasound modalities and the progress in combining them into multiparametric UltraSound (mpUS).

METHODS: A systematic literature search on mpUS and the different ultrasound modalities included: greyscale ultrasound, computerized transrectal ultrasound, Doppler and power Doppler techniques, dynamic contrast-enhanced ultrasound and (shear wave) elastography.

RESULTS: Limited research available on combining ultrasound modalities has presented improvement in diagnostic performance. The data of two studies suggest that even adding a lower performing ultrasound modality to a better performing modality using crude methods can already improve the sensitivity by 13-51 %. The different modalities detect different tumours. No study has tried to combine ultrasound modalities employing a system similar to the PIRADS system used for mpMRI or more advanced classifying algorithms.

CONCLUSION: Available evidence confirms that combining different ultrasound modalities significantly improves diagnostic performance.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1651-1659
Number of pages9
JournalWorld Journal of Urology
Issue number11
Publication statusPublished - Nov 2015


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