Multi-step solvent-free 3 m2 footprint pilot miniplant for the synthesis of annual half-ton rufinamide precursor

Marc Escriba Gelonch (Corresponding author), Gerardo Antonio de Leon Izeppi, Dirk Kirschneck, V. Hessel

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The development of a pilot-scale synthesis of the rufinamide precursor in flow chemistry is reported. Complex steps such as Taylor-flow, segmented flow, and high-temperature processing at high pressure (high-p,T) are successfully combined, overcoming the mixing and heat transfer issues of the scale-up. The cascaded multistep process operates essentially solvent-free in just 3 m2 giving a productivity of 47 g/h (>400 kg/year), which increases in a factor of 7 the lab-scale productivity previously reported as a scale-up proof-of-concept. The publication also includes an economic study of the feasible implementation of this technology for a possible manufacturer, as well as an outline on business development strategies how to implement such kind of disruptive technology.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)17237-17251
Number of pages15
JournalACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering
Issue number20
Publication statusPublished - 21 Oct 2019


  • Intensification
  • Multiphase
  • Rufinamide
  • Scale-up
  • Solvent-free


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