Modeling and visualization of trace data

A.Y. Teka

    Research output: ThesisEngD Thesis

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    ASML Lithography machines trace data are vital inputs for configuration and calibration of machine components. To visualize these trace data, ASML engineers regularly utilize Gantt chart based visualization tools. Different components of lithography machines use different data formats to log their behavior. Accordingly different departments in ASML are using different trace data visualization tools. Developing and maintaining multiple visualizer tools is costly, time consuming and reduces interoperability. This report describes a project conducted to achieve a generic and an extensible Gantt visualization tool. The tool is developed using Model Driven Engineering (MDE) methodology. To capture generic trace data attributes, Gantt figure elements and the mapping between the two languages, Gantt data, Gantt figure and Gantt mapping language are defined. Furthermore, transformation modules that transform data from one format to another are specified. The extensibility of the Gantt visualization tool is verified by porting the tool in to two different domains. The effort required to port the tool to a new domain was found to be very minimal (12 man-hours). This is a considerable gain compared to an average of four to six months that would take if the tool was developed from scratch.
    Original languageEnglish
    • Willemse, Tim A.C., Supervisor
    • Schiffelers, Ramon, External supervisor
    • Alberts, W.T.M., External supervisor
    Award date1 Oct 2014
    Place of PublicationEindhoven
    Print ISBNs978-90-444-1318-2
    Publication statusPublished - 1 Oct 2014

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