MINIZOO in de Benelux : Structure and use of a database of skin irritating organisms

J.E.M.H. Bronswijk, van

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterAcademic


    MI NIZOO database is structured within the standard software package SIRv2 (= Scientific Information Retrieval version 2). This flexible program is installed on the university mainframe (a CYBER 180). The program dBASE II employed on a microcomputer (MICROSOL), can be used for part of data entry and for analysis of smaller sections of data. MINIZOO in SIRv2 is a hierarchical data management system. It is also case oriented. By defining a one case database the possibility is obtained to decode (for retrieval and data entry purposes) the data within the software package. The general purpose of the project MINIZOO is to determine, explain and predict the porulation size of animal skin parasites and other animal organisms damaging vertebrate skin in the BENELUX. The skin is one of the vertebrate organs mostly exposed to the environment and the (smaller) organisms inhabiting it. In dermatological science the infliction parasitic papular urticaria (= pruriso simplex parasitaria) is attributed to a number of these smaller organisms. To incorporate the study of this infliction, host reaction and parasitope are included in the database. MINIZOO will provide a zoogeographical and phenological basis for prevention. therapy and scientific study of this group of skin ailments. Data are accepted from different sources fieldbiologists, parasitologists, dermatologists, veterinarians, amateur biologists, museum collections and the literature. The project could be considered as an offshoot from EIS-Nederland (Leiden) and CIE-Belgique (Gembloux). Conversions among formats of different databases of biological field data are possible with the database MINICON (also prepared in SIRv2). Investigators perform their own data entry and make their own biological or medical retrieval procedures. In addition data are retrieved to inform dermatologists and family doctor as to the common sources of skin trouble to be expected in their region in a given season and biotope. MINIZOO is not fully operational as yet.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationComputers in biogeography
    EditorsE.R. Reichl
    Place of PublicationLinz
    Number of pages7
    Publication statusPublished - 1986


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