Microwave induced plasmas for the analysis of molecular components in incinerator gases

E.A.H. Timmermans, J. Jonkers, J.J.A.M. Mullen, van der, D.C. Schram

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionAcademicpeer-review

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The behavior of mols. in different microwave-induced plasmas (MIPs) has been studied by means of optical emission spectroscopy (OES) in order to study if MIP-OES can be used for the anal. of mol. components in incinerator gases. Various mol. species (i.e., N2, CO2, SF6, H2O, and SO2) have been introduced into argon or purely mol. plasmas at both atm. and reduced pressure. Emission from the introduced mols. is only obsd. in the case of nitrogen (emission bands from the first and second pos. system). With other mol. gases, only dissocn. and assocn. products are obsd. (i.e., at. species, CN, C2, CO, OH, NH). The intensities produced by these products has been studied as a function of the pressure, the concn. of introduced mols., and the position in the plasma. Because mainly assocn. products are obsd., anal. of mol. components in incinerator gases with MIP-OES is not a straightforward matter. Moreover, emission from N2, the dominant mol. in incinerator gases, is very intense and extends from 290 to 1000 nm, covering almost this entire spectral range with bands. [on SciFinder (R)]
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProgress in Plasma Processing of Materials 1997 : Proceedings presented at the International Thermal Plasma Processes Conference, 4th, Athens, July 15-18, 1996
EditorsP. Fauchais
Place of PublicationNew York
PublisherBegell House Inc.
ISBN (Print)1-56700-093-2
Publication statusPublished - 1997
Eventconference; Progress in Plasma Processing of Materials 1997 : the International Thermal Plasma Processes Conference, 4th, Athens, July 15-18, 1996; 1996-07-15; 1996-07-18 -
Duration: 15 Jul 199618 Jul 1996


Conferenceconference; Progress in Plasma Processing of Materials 1997 : the International Thermal Plasma Processes Conference, 4th, Athens, July 15-18, 1996; 1996-07-15; 1996-07-18
OtherProgress in Plasma Processing of Materials 1997 : the International Thermal Plasma Processes Conference, 4th, Athens, July 15-18, 1996


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