Microstructural modeling of anisotropic plasticity in large scale additively manufactured 316L stainless steel

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In this paper, the anisotropic mechanical response triggered by specific microstructures encountered in wire + arc additively manufactured 316L stainless steels is analyzed. For this purpose, a representative volume element is generated, with an internal geometry that is based on an average periodic fusion zone shape. The large columnar grain geometry with different preferred directions within a single fusion zone is reconstructed with an anisotropic Voronoi algorithm. Grain orientations are extracted from experimental data of different regions within a single sample. Crystal plasticity finite element simulations are performed to predict the macroscopic yield behavior under various loading angles. It is observed that the anisotropic response varies significantly within a single sample, which is essentially caused by differences in the texture. A spatial correlation between the orientation of a grain and its location within the fusion zone is identified, allowing to distinguish clusters of grains with a similar orientation. As a result, strain localizes in a global shear band across the entire height of the fusion zone, which prominently influences the macroscopic response. A comparison of the results relative to a standard isotropic Voronoi grain geometry shows that the elongated geometry of the grains does not influence the macroscopic yield behavior significantly. The local crystallographic orientations are dominating instead, whereby the correlation between location and orientation of grains has to be taken into account.

Original languageEnglish
Article number103664
JournalMechanics of Materials
Publication statusPublished - Feb 2021


This research was carried out under project number P16-46/S17024e, which is part of the AiM2XL program, in the framework of the Partnership Program of the Materials innovation institute M2i (www.m2i.nl) and the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (www.nwo.nl). The research was conducted in collaboration with industrial partners and supported by the Rotterdam Fieldlab Additive Manufacturing BV (RAMLAB), www.ramlab.com. Furthermore, the authors would like to thank Constantinos Goulas for providing initial experimental data, Luca Palmeira Belotti for performing the experiments and obtaining the average fusion zone shape and Mathieu Oude Vrielink for collaboration and discussions on the implementation of the crystal plasticity framework. This research was carried out under project number P16-46/S17024e, which is part of the AiM2XL program, in the framework of the Partnership Program of the Materials innovation institute M2i ( www.m2i.nl ) and the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research ( www.nwo.nl ). The research was conducted in collaboration with industrial partners and supported by the Rotterdam Fieldlab Additive Manufacturing BV (RAMLAB), www.ramlab.com . Furthermore, the authors would like to thank Constantinos Goulas for providing initial experimental data, Luca Palmeira Belotti for performing the experiments and obtaining the average fusion zone shape and Mathieu Oude Vrielink for collaboration and discussions on the implementation of the crystal plasticity framework.

FundersFunder number
Materials Innovation Institute (M2i)
Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek
Rotterdam Fieldlab Additive Manufacturing BV
Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek
Materials Innovation Institute (M2i)


    • 316L stainless Steel
    • Crystal plasticity
    • Microstructural modeling
    • Wire + arc additive manufacturing
    • Yield stress anisotropy


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