A compact range for the determination of the radiation pattern of a first antenna (1), comprises a focusing system (3) and apparatus (2) supporting the first antenna in the quiet zone of the focusing system. For that purpose, the base comprises a modulated-retransmission probe array (6, 16) mounted in the focal plane (7) of the focusing system, a second antenna (10, 17) mounted near the probe array, apparatus (13) to determine, from the electromagnetic radiation retransmitted by the probe array and collected by one of the antennas during the transmission of electromagnetic radiation by the other, a signal SI representing the field at each point of the probe array, and a display (14) for displaying the signal.
Translated title of the contribution | Methode en apparaat voor het bepalen van antenne stralings patronen : Patent number: US5410324 |
Original language | English |
Patent number | US5410324 |
Priority date | 14/03/91 |
Publication status | Published - 25 Apr 1995 |
Externally published | Yes |