Method to obtain absolute impurity density profiles combining charge exchange and beam emission spectroscopy without absolute intensity calibration

A. Kappatou, R.J.E. Jaspers, E.G. Delabie, O. Marchuk, W. (Wolfgang) Biel, M.A. Jakobs

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Investigation of impurity transport properties in tokamak plasmas is essential and a diagnostic that can provide information on the impurity content is required. Combining charge exchange recombination spectroscopy (CXRS) and beam emission spectroscopy (BES), absolute radial profiles of impurity densities can be obtained from the CXRS and BES intensities, electron density and CXRS and BES emission rates, without requiring any absolute calibration of the spectra. The technique is demonstrated here with absolute impurity density radial profiles obtained in TEXTOR plasmas, using a high efficiency charge exchange spectrometer with high etendue, that measures the CXRS and BES spectra along the same lines-of-sight, offering an additional advantage for the determination of absolute impurity densities.
Original languageEnglish
Article number10D519
Pages (from-to)10D519-1/3
Number of pages3
JournalReview of Scientific Instruments
Issue number10
Publication statusPublished - 2012


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