A built-in self-diagnostic (BISD) memory device includes a two-dimension memory array provided with a redundant memory rows and columns that can be substituted for various ones in the two-dimension memory array by an external repair facility. A stimulus generator outputs multi-address test sequences to the memory array during a test mode. A response evaluator receives responses from the memory. A fault table stores evaluations of the responses, and communicates them to the external repair facility. A repair register indicates which memory columns have been intermediately scheduled for repair by the response evaluator. Column counters each accumulate the number of memory bit faults detected in a respective memory column. All are disposed in a single integrated circuit semiconductor device.
Original language | English |
Patent number | US6829736 |
IPC | G11C 29/ 44 A I |
Priority date | 8/09/00 |
Publication status | Published - 7 Dec 2004 |
Externally published | Yes |