Method for hotmelt application

Rolf A.T.M. van Benthem (Inventor), J. Beetsma (Inventor), D. Muscat (Inventor)

Research output: PatentPatent publication

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The invention relates to a method for hotmelt application of a thermosetting formulation, which comprises a binder composition containing a resin and a crosslinker that form volatile compounds upon reaction with each other whereby the thermosetting formulation is converted into a hotmelt and stored in a hotmelt unit, wherein the release of a substantial amount of volatile component from the hotmelt unit is prevented during the storage of the hotmelt in the hotmelt unit. The invention also relates to the use of in a hotmelt of a binder of a binder composition comprising a resin and a crosslinker, that form volatile components upon reaction.
Original languageEnglish
Patent numberEP/1/139698A1
Filing date12/12/01
Publication statusPublished - 18 Jun 2003


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