Message from the chairs

Yann Gael Gueheneuc, Alexander Serebrenik, Bram Adams, Naouel Moha, Nikolaos Tsantalis, Ralf Lammel, Peter C. Rigby, Jens Krinke, Bonita Sharif, Jane Huffman Hayes, Marianne Huchard, Foutse Khomh, Wahab Hamou-Lhadj, Francesca Arcelli Fontana, Emily Hill

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingForeword/editorialAcademic


Bienvenue à la 22 e Conférence Internationale sur l'Analyse, l'Évolution et la Réingénierie Logicielles à Montréal, Québec, Canada ! Welcome to SANER 2015, the 22 nd IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution, and Reengineering in Montreal, Quebec, Canada! SANER is the premier research conference on the theory and practice of recovering information from existing software and systems. It combines the Working Conference on Reverse Engineering (WCRE) series, i.e., the premier conference series on the theory and practice of recovering information from existing software and systems, and the European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering (CSMR) series, i.e., the premier European conference series on the theory and practice of maintenance, reengineering, and evolution of software systems. SANER 2015 follows the highly successful IEEE CSMR-WCRE Software Evolution Week, held in Antwerp, Belgium, in 2014.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication2015 IEEE 22nd International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution, and Reengineering
PublisherIEEE Computer Society
Publication statusPublished - 2 Mar 2015
Event22nd IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution, and Reengineering (SANER 2015) - École Polytechnique de Montréal, Montréal, Canada
Duration: 2 Mar 20156 Mar 2015
Conference number: 22

Publication series

Name2015 IEEE 22nd International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution, and Reengineering, SANER 2015 - Proceedings


Conference22nd IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution, and Reengineering (SANER 2015)
Abbreviated titleSANER 2015


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