Mechanical shear properties of adhesives

E.M.P. Huveners, F. Herwijnen, van, F. Soetens, H. Hofmeyer

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionAcademicpeer-review

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A glued joint is a suitable connection between a glass pane and a framework. The mechanical properties of adhesives are not given in specifications. The most important property of adhesives is the shear - strain relation. Tests are carried out to determine this relation under prescribed conditions. Curing conditions, short-lived increase of temperature, storing time and testing protocol are the same for each adhesive. Two adhesives, polyurethane and epoxy, are tested at a constant deformation rate and at three different temperatures. Polyurethane has a low stiffness which slightly increases with larger strains. The stiffness and shear strength decrease with increasing temperature. Epoxy shows a stiff and toughened shear - strain relation at room temperature. Under frozen conditions, the epoxy has a larger stiffness and shear strength, but fails brittle. The stiffness significantly decrease at high temperature accompanying with large strains. Both adhesives are subjected to a short-lived increase of temperature three days after making the specimens. This had favourable effect on epoxy (post curing), leading to a more toughened behaviour. Polyurethane shows smaller values for shear stress and larger values for strain. After longer storing time each adhesive shows a slightly increase of the shear strength. The shear modulus of the adhesives has been determined. The shear modulus of polyurethane can be simplified by a bi- or tri- linear diagram and for epoxy by a linear diagram. Finally, the found shear strength is not the ultimate shear strength, because all test specimens fail adhesively instead of cohesively.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of the 10th International Conference on Architectural and Automotive Glass, 15-18 June 2007, Tampere, Finland
Place of PublicationTampere, Finland
PublisherGlass Performance Days, Tamglass Ltd. Oy
ISBN (Print)952-91-8674-6
Publication statusPublished - 2007
Eventconference; 10th International Conference on Architectural and Automotive Glass, Tampere, Finland; 2007-06-15; 2007-06-18 -
Duration: 15 Jun 200718 Jun 2007


Conferenceconference; 10th International Conference on Architectural and Automotive Glass, Tampere, Finland; 2007-06-15; 2007-06-18
Other10th International Conference on Architectural and Automotive Glass, Tampere, Finland


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