Mapping future energy demands for European museums

A.W.M.J. van Schijndel, H.L.H. Schellen

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In this paper we present a methodology for simulating and mapping energy needs for European museums for the recent past, near future 2021-2050 and far future 2071-2100. This approach consists of four recent developments: Firstly, climates files. The availability of the hourly based, European, external future A1B climate data from the European FP7 Climate for Culture project. Secondly, classification. An energy-based classification system of museums based on the quality of the building envelope and systems, representing wide ranges of museums. The latter consisted of 16 different museums equal to all combinations of four levels of building construction and four levels of climate control. Thirdly, building performance simulation. A multi-zone building energy and indoor climate model with a proved record of simulating a wide range of buildings, including museums. Seven performance indicators were used: The mean indoor temperature; the mean indoor relative humidity; the mean heating demand; the mean cooling demand; the mean humidification demand; the mean dehumidification demand; the total energy demand. Fourthly, a mapping tool. We used a mapping tool to produce European maps for sixteen museum types and five 30-year periods: recent past, near future, far future, near future minus recent past and far future minus recent past. The most important mapping results are included and discussed in this paper.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)189-201
Number of pages13
JournalJournal of Cultural Heritage
Publication statusPublished - 1 May 2018


  • Climate change
  • Energy
  • Future
  • Map
  • Museum
  • Simulation


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