Managing building technology information in a postmodern way

M.R. Maurer, M. Prins

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterAcademicpeer-review


The design process of today's architects has developed into being a sequence of design decisions from a 1: 1000 scale to a 1:1 scale. The smaller the scale gets during the process, the more the designer/architect becomes depended on deliverable products and the design decisions of the trade contractors involved. In many cases the experience of the architectural concept in a building is depending on the consequent carrying through of this concept on the scale of the detail. The development of a tool, that enables architects to look in production technology process information and its internal relations and potentials would be helpful to make design decision on the scale of the detail. A tool that is able to generate possible production processes related tp desired product properties would be as well. However, the most important aspect of a tool to be developed might be its shortcut to the right and flexible trade contractor for the job.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationDesign management in the architectural and engineering office : CIB W96 Architectural Management : proceedings of the CIB W96 Commission on Architectural Management, held in Atlanta May 2000
EditorsG.L.M. Augenbroe, M. Prins
Place of PublicationRotterdam
PublisherInternational Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction (CIB)
ISBN (Print)90-6363-027-1
Publication statusPublished - 2001

Publication series

NameCIB report


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