Magnetic and structural properties of MBE-grown oxidic multilayers

P.J.H. Bloemen, P.A.A. Heijden, van der, R.M. Wolf, J. Stegge, aan de, J.T. Kohlhepp, A. Reinders, R. Jungblut, P.J. Zaag, van der, W.J.M. Jonge, de

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionAcademicpeer-review

21 Citations (Scopus)


Multilayers composed of oxides including Fe304, Co~Fe3_~O4, CoO, NiO and MgO have been grown epitaxially by MBE on MgO(100) single crystal substrates. These structures can be grown with a high crystallinity in the form of fiat layers having sharp interfaces. RHEED studies which commonly yielded sharp streaks accompanied by Kikuchi lines show that, for instance, growth of CoO on Fe304 changes the RHEED pattern from that consistent with a spinel structure to that of a rocksalt structure within about one and a half unit cell of CoO. STM studies on a 400 A Fe304 layer displaying atomic resolution enabled us to identify the origin of the reconstruction that one commonly observes in the RHEED and LEED patterns for magnetite. Regarding important fundamental magnetic parameters, relevant thickness dependencies were mapped out using localized magneto-optical Kerr effect exper iments performed on several samples that routinely included one or multiple wedge shaped layers. These studies revealed the existence of a region in the Fe3 04 layer near the interfaces which exhibits no net magnetic moment, strain driven perpendicular orientated magnetiza tion for the CoO/Fe304(100) and CoO/Co~Fea~~O4(100) bilayer systems, and information on the thickness dependence of the magnetic interlayer coupling across an MgO spacer layer.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationEpitaxial oxide thin films II : Symposium held November 26 - 30, 1995, Boston, Massachusetts
EditorsJ.S. Speck, D.K. Fork
Place of PublicationPittsburgh
PublisherMaterials Research Society
ISBN (Print)1-558-99304-5
Publication statusPublished - 1996
Event1995 MRS Fall Meeting - Boston, United States
Duration: 27 Nov 19951 Dec 1995

Publication series

NameMaterials Research Society Symposium Proceedings
ISSN (Print)0272-9172


Conference1995 MRS Fall Meeting
Country/TerritoryUnited States
Internet address


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