Magnetic and structural properties of EuS-PbS multilayers grown on n-PbS (100) substrates

M. Chernyshova, E. Lusakowska, V. Domukhovski, K. Grasza, A. Szczerbakow, S. Wrotek, L. Kowalczyk, T. Story, C.J.P. Smits, H.J.M. Swagten, W.J.M. Jonge, de, W. Palosz, A.Y. Sipatov, V.V. Volobuev

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Magnetic properties of semiconductor EuS(t)-PbS(d)-EuS(t) ferromagnetic trilayers (t=30÷300 A and d=7.5÷70 A) grown on n-type monocrystalline PbS (100) substrate were studied by SQUID magnetometry and ferromagnetic resonance technique yielding, in particular, the dependence of the ferromagnetic Curie temperature on the thickness of the EuS layer. Structural parameters of layers were examined by X-ray powder diffraction analysis. A high structural quality of the substrate and the multilayer was verified by the measurements of the X-ray rocking curve width indicating the values of the order of 100 arcsec and by atomic force microscopy revealing the presence on the cleft PbS surface regions practically flat in the atomic scale over the area of 1x0.1µm2.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)609-615
Number of pages7
JournalActa Physica Polonica A
Issue number4-5
Publication statusPublished - 2002


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