Low cost acoustic responder location system

E.O. Dijk (Inventor), C.H. Berkel, van (Inventor)

Research output: PatentPatent publication

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A location system including a base station ( 120, 200 ) and a responder tag ( 140, 250 ) that communicate using an acoustic signal to determine the location of the tag in a bounded 3D space ( 100 ). The base station transmits a request signal ( 310 ) encoded with the identifier of a particular tag. The particular tag responds after a fixed delay (t 2 -t 1 ) with an acoustic response signal ( 330 ). The base station determines the location of the tag based on the received line of sight signal ( 330 ) and its reflections ( 340 ). The response signal may be encoded with data indicating a status of the tag, or data from associated sensors ( 270 ) or actuators ( 280 ). The request signal may also be encoded with data for controlling the tag or the associated sensors and actuators. A power management scheme may be carried out by the tag.
Original languageEnglish
Patent numberUS2008151692
Publication statusPublished - 26 Jun 2008


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