Low Code Conversation-based Hybrid UI Design Case Study and Reflection

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionAcademicpeer-review

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This paper presents a comprehensive case study on the Q-Survey, a chatbot-based qualitative survey tool developed using the Double-Diamond design process. The study delves into the intricacies of balancing user experience (UX) with technical challenges inherent in chatbot development. A significant focus is placed on the role of Low Code (LC) and No Code (NC) tools in facilitating rapid prototype development and testing. While these tools offer agility and ease in the early stages, their limitations become evident as the complexity of the system grows, prompting a reflection on their continued utility in advanced development stages. The Repertory Grid Technique (RGT) is explored as a potential tool for online qualitative surveys, with discussions on its complexity and the potential enhancements using advanced Natural Language Processing (NLP) tools. Through the lens of the Q-Survey and experts' evaluation of this case, we discuss the broader implications of LC tools in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) design, emphasizing the need for a structured framework for HCI design with LC. The study concludes with reflections on the current design, potential future directions, and the importance of continuous exploration of LC, especially in the realm of LLMs and coding tools based on LLMs.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of the 11th International Symposium of Chinese CHI
Subtitle of host publicationGenerative, Reflective, Envisioning, Chinese CHI 2023
PublisherAssociation for Computing Machinery, Inc
Number of pages7
ISBN (Electronic)9798400716454
Publication statusPublished - 27 Feb 2024
Event11th International Symposium of Chinese CHI, Chinese CHI 2023 - Kurakura Island, Bali, Indonesia
Duration: 13 Nov 202316 Nov 2023


Conference11th International Symposium of Chinese CHI, Chinese CHI 2023
Abbreviated titleChinese CHI 2023
Internet address


  • Chatbot
  • CUI
  • Low Code Development
  • Repertory Grid Tool


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