Linear cryptanalysis reduced round of piccolo-80

Tomer Ashur, Orr Dunkelman, Nael Masalha

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionAcademicpeer-review

2 Citations (Scopus)


Piccolo is a 64-bit lightweight block cipher suitable for constrained environments such as wireless sensor networks. In this paper we evaluate the security of Piccolo-80 against linear cryptanalysis, we present a 6-round linear approximation of Piccolo-80 with probability 1/2+2-29.04. We use this approximation to attack 7-round Piccolo-80 (with whitening keys) with data complexity of 261 known plaintexts and time complexity of 261. Its extension to an 8-round attack merely increases the time complexity to 270. This is the best linear attack against Piccolo-80 and it is also applicable to Piccolo-128 as the difference between the two variates is only the number of rounds and the key schedule algorithm. Moreover, we show that the bias in the approximation of the F-function, in some cases, is related to the MSB of the input. We utilize this relation to efficiently extract the MSBs of the whitening keys in the first round.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationCyber Security Cryptography and Machine Learning - 3rd International Symposium, CSCML 2019, Proceedings
Subtitle of host publicationCSCML 2019
EditorsShlomi Dolev, Danny Hendler, Sachin Lodha, Moti Yung
Place of PublicationCham
Number of pages17
ISBN (Electronic)978-3-030-20951-3
ISBN (Print)978-3-030-20950-6
Publication statusPublished - 19 May 2019
Externally publishedYes
EventInternational Symposium on Cyber Security Cryptography and Machine Learning (CSCML 2019) - Beer-Sheva, Israel
Duration: 27 Jun 201928 Jun 2019

Publication series

NameLecture Notes in Computer Science


ConferenceInternational Symposium on Cyber Security Cryptography and Machine Learning (CSCML 2019)


  • Linear cryptanalysis
  • Piccolo


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