LES of a pressurized sooting aero-engine model burner using a computationally efficient discrete sectional method coupled to tabulated chemistry

Jose Maria Garcia-Oliver, Jose Manuel Pastor (Corresponding author), Ivan Olmeda, Abhijit J. Kalbhor, Daniel Mira, Jeroen A. van Oijen

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This work is focused on the modeling and analysis of soot formation and oxidation in the pressurized ethylene-based model burner investigated at DLR. This burner features a dual swirler configuration for the primary air supply and includes secondary dilution jets inside the combustion chamber, showing reacting flow characteristics representative of the RQL combustor technology. Large-eddy simulations (LES) of the DLR burner are conduced here to assess a coupling approach between flamelet generated manifold (FGM) chemistry and discrete sectional method (DSM) based soot model with clustering method. First, a validation of the numerical results is conducted for the gas velocity and temperature fields, and good agreement is obtained for both mean and fluctuating quantities. The Soot Volume Fraction (SVF) computed from LES shows a satisfactory agreement with the experimental data in both SVF distribution and magnitude. The analysis also includes a numerical investigation of the soot production and the Particle Size Distributions (PSD). Finally, the configuration without secondary air is evaluated and an accurate prediction of the SVF field is also obtained. In this case, the absence of dilution air strongly influences the central region of the combustion chamber, and soot distribution and PSD are mainly affected by transport and dilution, not oxidation. It is finally concluded the proposed modeling framework is capable of predicting the soot field and particle size distributions inside the combustor for both operating conditions.

Original languageEnglish
Article number113198
Number of pages19
JournalCombustion and Flame
Publication statusPublished - Feb 2024


  • Discrete sectional method
  • Flamelet generated manifold
  • Gas turbine combustor
  • Particle size distribution
  • Soot, Large-eddy simulation


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