By means of the unitary Gabor transform one can relate operators on signals to operators on the space of Gabor transforms. In order to obtain a translation and modulation invariant operator on the space of signals, the corresponding operator on the reproducing kernel space of Gabor transforms must be left invariant, i.e. it should commute with the left regular action of the reduced Heisenberg group Hr. By using the left invariant vector fields on Hr and the corresponding left-invariant vector fields on on phase space in the generators of our transport and diffusion equations on Gabor transforms we naturally employ the essential group structure on the domain of a Gabor transform. Here we mainly restrict ourselves to non-linear adaptive left-invariant convection (reassignment), while maintaining the original signal.
Name | CASA-report |
Volume | 1010 |
ISSN (Print) | 0926-4507 |