Laser induced fluorescence monitoring of atomic H and N in expanding plasmas produced by a cascaded ar

G.J. Brinkman, S. Mazouffre, H.F. Doebele, M.G.H. Boogaarts, J.J.A.M. Mullen, van der, D.C. Schram

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionAcademicpeer-review

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In this contribution we present Two-photon Absorption Laser Induced Fluorescence (TALIF) measurements on expanding plasmas produced by a cascaded arc in Ar/H2 and Ar/N2 mixtures. From these measuremetns axial and radial profiles for the density, the temperature, and the radial velocity of the atomic species are obtained.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of Frontiers in Low Temperature Plamsa Diagnostics II, Bad Honnef, Duitsland, 17-21 februari 1997
Place of PublicationBad Honnef.
Publication statusPublished - 1997
Eventconference; Frontiers in Low Temperature Plamsa Diagnostics II, Bad Honnef, Duitsland, 17-21 februari 1997; 1997-02-17; 1997-02-21 -
Duration: 17 Feb 199721 Feb 1997


Conferenceconference; Frontiers in Low Temperature Plamsa Diagnostics II, Bad Honnef, Duitsland, 17-21 februari 1997; 1997-02-17; 1997-02-21
OtherFrontiers in Low Temperature Plamsa Diagnostics II, Bad Honnef, Duitsland, 17-21 februari 1997


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