Laser Doppler thermometry in flat flames

A. Maaren, van, L.P.H. Goey, de

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Laser Doppler Velocimetry measurements are performed in flat flames, stabilized on a newly developed flat-flame burner. It is shown that the velocity component perpendicular to the main flow direction, induced by expansion in the reaction zone and buoyancy in the burnt gas, is significant. A method is derived with which the temperature profile of flat flames can be determined from two-dimensional Laser Doppler Velocimetry measurements. Good agreement is found when compared to one-dimensional flame calculations and experimental data obtained from the literature. A method is presented to describe the influence of expansion and buoyancy on the burnt gas flow.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)105-118
Number of pages14
JournalCombustion Science and Technology
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 1994


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