Knowledge Modelling and Incident Analysis for Special Cargo

Vahideh Reshadat, Tess Kolkman, Kalliopi Zervanou, Yingqian Zhang, Alp Akcay, Carlijn Snijder, Ryan McDonnell, Karel Schorer, Casper Wichers, Thomas Koch, Elenna Dugundji, Eelco de Jong

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterAcademicpeer-review

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The airfreight industry of shipping goods with special handling needs, also known as special cargo, suffers from nontransparent shipping processes, resulting in inefficiency. The LARA project (Lane Analysis and Route Advisor) aims at addressing these limitations and bringing innovation in special cargo route planning so as to improve operational deficiencies and customer services. In this chapter, we discuss the special cargo domain knowledge elicitation and modeling into an ontology. We also present research into cargo incidents, namely, automatic classification of incidents in free-text reports and experiments in detecting significant features associated with specific cargo incident types. Our work mainly addresses two of the main technical priority areas defined by the European Big Data Value (BDV) Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda, namely, the application of data analytics to improve data understanding and providing optimized architectures for analytics of data-at-rest and data-in-motion, the overall goal is to develop technologies contributing to the data value chain in the logistics sector. It addresses the horizontal concerns Data Analytics, Data Processing Architectures, and Data Management of the BDV Reference Model. It also addresses the vertical dimension Big Data Types and Semantics.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationTechnologies and Applications for Big Data Value
EditorsEdward Curry, Sören Auer, Arne J. Berre, Andreas Metzger, Maria S. Perez, Sonja Zillner
Place of PublicationBerlin
Number of pages26
ISBN (Electronic)978-3-030-78307-5
ISBN (Print)978-3-030-78306-8, 978-3-030-78309-9
Publication statusPublished - 2022


  • Incident handling
  • Knowledge acquisition
  • Ontology
  • Risk assessment
  • Special cargo


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