International survey on current occupant modelling approaches in building performance simulation

W. O'Brien, I. Gaetani, S. Gilani, S. Carlucci, P. Hoes, J.L.M. Hensen

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It is not evident that practitioners have kept pace with latest research developments in building occupant behaviour modelling; nor are the attitudes of practitioners regarding occupant behaviour modelling well understood. In order to guide research and development efforts, researchers, policy-makers, and software developers require a better understanding of current practice and acceptance of occupant modelling. This paper provides results, analysis, and discussion of the results of a 36-question international survey on current occupant modelling practice and attitudes in building performance simulation. In total, 274 valid responses were collected from BPS users (practitioners, educators, and researchers) from 37 countries. The results indicate that most assumptions made about occupants vary widely and are considerably simpler than what has been observed in reality. Most participants cited lack of time or understanding as their primary reason for not delving deeply into occupant modelling, but responded that they are receptive to further training.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)653-671
Number of pages19
JournalJournal of Building Performance Simulation
Issue number5-6
Early online date15 Nov 2016
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2017


  • design practice
  • modelling uncertainty
  • occupant modelling
  • user survey


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