Internal audit effectiveness: operationalization and influencing factors

Oktay Türetken (Corresponding author), Stevens Jethefer, Baris Ozkan

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Purpose: Internal audits have become one of the key practices for organizations to control the adherence of their processes to standard procedures and regulations. The benefits of conducting internal audits are well acknowledged in the literature. However, it is difficult for organizations to assess the effectiveness of internal audits and to understand the factors that influence audit effectiveness. • Methodology: A systematic literature review was conducted to identify relevant publications, and collect and synthesize evidence on the operationalization of internal audit effectiveness, and the factors that potentially influence the effectiveness of internal audits.• Findings: The thorough analysis of the relevant studies resulted in a comprehensive list of indicators used for the operationalization of audit effectiveness, and a list of potentially influencing factors. The results of the systematic review are synthesized into a framework. • Research implications: The researchers should consider this study as a comprehensive source that offers pointers on the factors investigated in the literature and a basis for future research in this field to address the gaps that are identified.• Practical implications: The awareness about how the effectiveness of internal audits can be measured, and the factors that can potentially influence this effectiveness can help organizations to understand their current performance and ultimately improve it in the future.• Originality/Value: The contributions of this study will help in better understanding the state of the research on internal audit effectiveness, including the influential factors, and gaps and opportunities for future research.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)238-271
Number of pages34
JournalManagerial Auditing Journal
Issue number2
Early online date12 Dec 2019
Publication statusPublished - 21 Jan 2020


  • Antecedents of internal audit effectiveness
  • Effectiveness
  • Internal audit
  • Internal audit effectiveness
  • Internal audit quality
  • Systematic literature review


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