Integral Design Methodology for Sustainable Design

E.M.C.J. Quanjel, W. Zeiler, P. Savanovic, W.A. Borsboom, H. Spoorenberg

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionAcademicpeer-review


It is more and more necessary to look for new ways to generate more sustainable energy. Integral design shows promise to lead to new opportunities. The Royal Institute of Dutch Architects (BNA), the Dutch Society for Building Services (TVVL) and Delft University of Technology (TUD) started a project on Integral Design in 2000. This project was succeeded in 2005 by new research within the Knowledge Centre Building & Systems (KCBS), in which Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) and TNO Bouw & Ondergrond cooperated. The ongoing workshop series, in which already over 200 professionals from BNA and the Dutch Association of Consulting Engineers (ONRI) participated, was used for development and evaluation of integral design methodology in the domain of sustainable comfort systems. In current building practice sustainable energy systems intended for roof application are treated like add-on components to the already completed conceptual building design. The 6th framework Pan- European EUR-ACTIVE ROOFer project aims at development of a methodology for supporting not only the architect but the whole design team in the early phase of the design process on integrating active roofs, as energy generating integrated building components.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationWorld Renewable Energy Conference, Firenze. 19-25 August 2006
Publication statusPublished - 2006
Eventconference; World Renewable Energy Conference; 2006-08-19; 2008-08-25 -
Duration: 19 Aug 200625 Aug 2008


Conferenceconference; World Renewable Energy Conference; 2006-08-19; 2008-08-25
OtherWorld Renewable Energy Conference


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