Inkjet system, method of making this system and use of said system

H.M.A. Wijshoff (Inventor), M.A. Gröninger (Inventor), M.J. van den Berg (Inventor)

    Research output: PatentPatent publication


    An inkjet system including a printhead with an ink-fillable chamber operatively connected to a piezoelectric actuator and provided with a nozzle for the ejection of ink drops in response to the energization of the actuator, which actuator is connected to a measuring circuit for measuring an electrical signal generated by the actuator in response to the deformation thereof, wherein the system is configured such that a natural frequency of said system corresponds substantially to a natural frequency of a disturbance in the system
    Original languageEnglish
    Patent numberUS 7,703,893
    Publication statusPublished - 29 Dec 2005


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