Inductive coupling system with capacitive parallel compensation of the mutual self-inductance between the primary and the secondary windings

W.G.M. Ettes (Inventor), J.L. Duarte (Inventor), J.L.F. Veen, van der (Inventor)

Research output: PatentPatent publication

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To improve the performance of an inductive coupling system, the magnetic coupling between the primary (4) and secondary (8) windings is increased by adding auxiliary windings (26,28) on the primary (2) and/or secondary (6) yokes of the assembly near the air gap (18) between the yokes. Capacitors (30,32) are connected to the auxiliary windings (26, 28) which, together with the inductance of the auxiliary windings, resonate at the operating frequency of the primary AC voltage (Vp). The effect is an improved magnetic coupling between the primary and secondary windings ( 4, 8) without increasing the size of the magnetic assembly.
Original languageEnglish
Patent numberPCT/IB2002/000355
Publication statusPublished - 12 Sept 2002


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