Incorporating neurophysiological concepts in mathematical thermoregulation models

B.R.M. Kingma, M.J. Vosselman, A.J.H. Frijns, A.A. Steenhoven, van, W.D. Marken Lichtenbelt, van

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Skin blood flow (SBF) is a key player in human thermoregulation during mild thermal challenges. Various numerical models of SBF regulation exist. However, none explicitly incorporates the neurophysiology of thermal reception. This study tested a new SBF model that is in line with experimental data on thermal reception and the neurophysiological pathways involved in thermoregulatory SBF control. Additionally, a numerical thermoregulation model was used as a platform to test the function of the neurophysiological SBF model for skin temperature simulation. The prediction-error of the SBF-model was quantified by rootmean- squared-residual (RMSR) between simulations and experimental measurement data. Measurement data consisted of SBF (abdomen, forearm, hand), core and skin temperature recordings of young males during three transient thermal challenges (1 development and 2 validation). Additionally, ThermoSEM, a thermoregulation model, was used to simulate body temperatures using the new neurophysiological SBFmodel. The RMSR between simulated and measured mean skin temperature was used to validate the model. The neurophysiological model predicted SBF with an accuracy of RMSR
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)87-99
Number of pages13
JournalInternational Journal of Biometeorology
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2014


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