In-Plane Nanowire Growth of Topological Crystalline Insulator Pb1 − xSnxTe

Sander G. Schellingerhout, Roberto Bergamaschini (Corresponding author), Marcel A. Verheijen, Francesco Montalenti, Leo Miglio, Erik P.A.M. Bakkers (Corresponding author)

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Predicted topological crystalline insulators such as Pb1 − xSnxTe are an interesting candidate for applications in quantum technology, as they can host spin-polarized surface states. Moreover, in the nanowire geometry, a quasi-1D system can be realized with potential applications exploiting Majorana fermions. Herein, the selective area growth of Pb1 − xSnxTe islands and nanowires over the full range of x is demonstrated, and their in-depth growth dynamics and faceting are analyzed. By transmission electron microscopy, the single-crystalline and defect-free nature of the grown material and the homogeneous, controllable Pb/Sn ratio in the nanowires is confirmed. With support of phase-field growth simulations, it is shown that the crystal faceting mainly follows the driving force of surface energy minimization, favoring the lowest energy {200} surfaces. A kinetic enhancement of adatom incorporation on {110} facets is recognized to limit their extension with respect to {200} and {111} facets. After inspecting all possible in-plane orientations, we identify the 〈110〉 directions as the optimal candidate for the growth of high-quality and perfectly straight Pb1 − xSnxTe nanowires, enabling the design of complex networks due to their threefold symmetry. This work opens the way to systematic transport investigation of the carrier density in Pb1 − xSnxTe nanowires and can facilitate further optimization of the Pb1 − xSnxTe system.

Original languageEnglish
Article number2305542
Number of pages7
JournalAdvanced Functional Materials
Issue number50
Publication statusPublished - 8 Dec 2023


FundersFunder number
Province of Noord-Brabant
H2020 European Research CouncilTOCINA 834290
Research Centre Julich (FZJ)


    • nanowires
    • PbSnTe
    • selective area growth
    • topological insulators


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