Implementation of decision modules

S. Roubtsov, E.E. Roubtsova

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionAcademicpeer-review


Separation of concerns can have different forms. The well accepted concern is an object behavior usually specified as a life cycle module. In this paper, we define another type of concern, a decision module, and identify it in requirements and models. Separation of decision modules in programs may improve traceability of requirements and simplify code analysis. We present the results of our experiments with implementation of decision modules. We implement the modules using object composition, reflection, the publisher-subscriber design pattern and aspects. We present the possibilities of different implementation forms and illustrate our observations of pros and cons with an example of a document submission system. Keywords: Decision Module, Requirement, Model, Program, Protocol Contracts
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication6th Workshop on Behaviour Modelling - Foundations and Applications (BM-FA'14, York, UK, July 22, 2014)
Place of PublicationNew York NY
PublisherAssociation for Computing Machinery, Inc
ISBN (Print)978-1-4503-2791-6
Publication statusPublished - 2014
Eventconference; 6th Workshop on Behaviour Modelling-Foundations and Applications; 2014-07-22; 2014-07-22 -
Duration: 22 Jul 201422 Jul 2014


Conferenceconference; 6th Workshop on Behaviour Modelling-Foundations and Applications; 2014-07-22; 2014-07-22
Other6th Workshop on Behaviour Modelling-Foundations and Applications


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