Implementation framework and development trajectory of FEATHERS activity-based simulation platform

T. Bellemans, B. Kochan, D. Janssens, G. Wets, Theo Arentze, Harry Timmermans

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117 Citations (Scopus)


To facilitate the development of dynamic activity-based models for transport demand, the FEATHERS framework was developed. This framework suggests a four-stage development trajectory for a smooth transition from the four-step models toward static activity-based models in the short term and dynamic activity-based models in the long term. The development stages discussed in this paper range from an initial static activity-based model without traffic assignment to a dynamic activity-based model that incorporates rescheduling, learning effects, and traffic routing. To illustrate the FEATHERS framework, work that has been done on the development of static and dynamic activity-based models for Flanders (Belgium) and the Netherlands is discussed. First, the data collection is presented. Next, the four-stage activity-based model development trajectory is discussed in detail. The paper concludes with the presentation of the modular FEATHERS framework, which discusses the functionalities of the modules and how they accommodate the requirements imposed on the framework by each of the four stages.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)111-119
Number of pages9
JournalTransportation Research Record
Issue number2175
Publication statusPublished - 12 Jan 2010


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