Impact of radio-over-fibre links on the wireless access protocols

M. Garcia Larrode, A.M.J. Koonen, P.F.M. Smulders

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionAcademicpeer-review


For the sake of supporting the current and emerging wireless systems in a radio-over-fiber distribution network, the first analysis needed is an evaluation of the wireless system characteristics in order to find out which requirements shall be complied with for guaranteeing the wireless system functionality and operation. In addition to the generation and transport of the microwave signals from the central site (CS) to the antenna site (AS) and vice versa, the impact of inserting an optical path within the wireless system protocol stack becomes a high relevant issue from a network system point of view. The medium access control (MAC), duplexing schemes and multiple access methods of the different wireless systems set timing boundaries for the design of radio over fiber distribution networks, since the extra propagation delay inserted by the optical path has to be considered from the CS for the support of such systems. This paper analyses the impact of such a delay in different mobile and wireless radio networks, and determines that centrally-scheduled MAC schemes (in comparison with distributed MAC) are more flexible for the insertion of a fiber link between CS and AS.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationproc. NEFERTITI Workshop, CD Rom
Place of PublicationBrussels, Belgium
Publication statusPublished - 2005
Eventconference; NEFERTITI workshop on millimeter wave photonic devices and technologies for wireless and imaging applications; 2005-01-17; 2005-01-19 -
Duration: 17 Jan 200519 Jan 2005


Conferenceconference; NEFERTITI workshop on millimeter wave photonic devices and technologies for wireless and imaging applications; 2005-01-17; 2005-01-19
OtherNEFERTITI workshop on millimeter wave photonic devices and technologies for wireless and imaging applications


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