Geometrical Pruning of the First Order Regular Perturbation Kernels of the Manakov Equation

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We propose an approach for constraining the set of nonlinear coefficients of the conventional first-order regular perturbation (FRP) model of the Manakov Equation. We identify the largest contributions in the FRP model and provide geometrical insights into the distribution of their magnitudes in a three-dimensional space. As a result, a multi-plane hyperbolic constraint is introduced. A closed-form upper bound on the constrained set of nonlinear coefficients is given. We also report on the performance characterization of the FRP with multi-plane hyperbolic constraint and show that it reduces the overall complexity of the FRP model with minimal penalties in accuracy. For a 120 km standard single-mode fiber transmission, at 60 Gbaud with DP-16QAM, a 93% reduction in modeling complexity with a penalty below 0.1 dB is achieved with respect to FRP M=15.

Original languageEnglish
Article number10664054
JournalJournal of Lightwave Technology
Issue numberX
Publication statusAccepted/In press - 2024

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 1983-2012 IEEE.


  • Channel modeling
  • fiber nonlinearities
  • perturbation-based models


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