Fuel formulation and mixing strategy for rate of heat release control with PCCI combustion

R.P.C. Zegers, M. Yu, C.C.M. Luijten, N.J. Dam, R.S.G. Baert, L.P.H. Goey, de

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionAcademic

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Premixed charge compression ignition (or PCCI) is a new combustion concept that promises very low emissions of nitrogen oxides and of particulate matter by internal combustion engines. In the PCCIcombustion mode fuel, products from previous combustion events and air are mixed and compresseduntil the resulting mixture locally auto-ignites. Auto-ignition at other places in the reacting mixture follows rapidly and combustion takes places across the combustion chamber within a short period. A majorchallenge with PCCI combustion is the accurate control of the start of combustion and of the rate of heatrelease during combustion.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of the Seventh International Symposium Towards Clean Diesel Engines 2009 (TCDE 2009), 4-5 June 2009, Aachen, Germany
Place of PublicationGermany, Aachen
Publication statusPublished - 2009


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