Formability of rapid-solidification-processed hypereutectic Al-Si alloys

F.A.C.M. Habraken, J.H. Dautzenberg

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4 Citations (Scopus)


Rapid Solidification Processing (RSP) offers significant advantages when applied to hypereutectic aluminium-silicon alloys: If compared to cast Al-Si alloys, higher strength levels, lower thermal expansion and increased wear resistance can be obtained. The materials studied are A119Si5Fe, A118Si5Fe2Ni, A117Si3.5Cu2Ni and A122Si3.5Cu2.5Ni (wt. %) made by the ‘Melt Spun Ribbons’-process and A125Si5Fe2Ni produced by spray-deposition. At this moment, these materials are applied in e.g. pistons for high performance engines. For economical use in mass-production, these materials have to be formed into their (semi-) final shape. This formability is subject of the paper. It gives an overview of this property for a variety of forming conditions, ranging from extrusion to sheet metal forming. The formability of the materials is quantified. A comparison with conventional materials is made and various formed parts are shown.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)211-214
Number of pages4
JournalCIRP Annals : Manufacturing Technology
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 1994


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