First-passage time asymptotics over moving boundaries for random walk bridges

F. Sloothaak, B. Zwart, V. Wachtel

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We study the asymptotic tail probability of the first-passage time over a moving boundary for a random walk conditioned to return to zero, where the increments of the random walk have finite variance. Typically, the asymptotic tail behavior may be described through a regularly varying function with exponent -1/2, where the impact of the boundary is captured by the slowly varying function. Yet, the moving boundary may have a stronger effect when the tail is considered at a time close to the return point of the random walk bridge. In the latter case, a phase transition appears in the asymptotics, of which the precise nature depends on the order of distance between zero and the moving boundary.
Original languageEnglish
Article number1708.02408
Number of pages22
Issue number1708.02408
Publication statusPublished - 9 Aug 2017


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