Fiber array-to-photonic-chip fixation and fine tuning using laser support adjustment

J.H.C. Zantvoort, van, G.D. Khoe, H. Waardt, de

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A concept for coupling lensed fiber arrays to photonic optical chips in the submicrometer range by using metal deformation is presented. Fine-tuning is possible despite already secured positions between the parts due to precisely chosen step-by-step deformations in the constructions. The smallest fine-tuning step of 0.1 um is measured using laser support adjustment. The system is packaged and can be temperature controlled. At a constant chip temperature of 22 degrees C, the package is successfully tested at an ambient temperature range of 0 to 60 degrees C.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1331-1340
Number of pages10
JournalIEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics
Issue number6
Publication statusPublished - 2002


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