Feshbach resonances with large background scattering length: interplay with open-channel resonances

B. Marcelis, E.G.M. Kempen, van, B.J. Verhaar, S.J.J.M.F. Kokkelmans

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Feshbach resonances are commonly described by a single-resonance Feshbach model, and open-channel resonances are not taken into account explicitly. However, an open-channel resonance near threshold limits the range of validity of this model. Such a situation exists when the background scattering length is much larger than the range of the interatomic potential. The open-channel resonance introduces strong threshold effects not included in the single-resonance description. We derive an easy-to-use analytical model that takes into account both the Feshbach resonance and the open-channel resonance. We apply our model to /sup 85/Rb, which has a large background scattering length, and show that the agreement with coupled-channel calculations is excellent. The model can be readily applied to other atomic systems with a large background scattering length, such as /sup 6/Li and /sup 133/Cs. Our approach provides full insight into the underlying physics of the interplay between open-channel (or potential) resonances and Feshbach resonances
Original languageEnglish
Article number012701
Pages (from-to)012701-1/15
Number of pages15
JournalPhysical Review A: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2004


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