Extended chiro-optical near-field response of achiral plasmonic lattices

Emilija Petronijevic, Elizabeth Mendoza Sandoval, Mohammad Ramezani, César L. Ordóñez-Romero, Cecilia Noguez, Fabio Antonio Bovino, Concita Sibilia, Giuseppe Pirruccio (Corresponding author)

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We investigate the chiro-optical properties of the electromagnetic near-field associated with the excitation of collective optical resonances (surface lattice resonances) in achiral plasmonic lattices. These arrays are specially designed to support dispersive resonances with nontrivial, multipolar near-field distributions in the surroundings of the nanostructure, which gives rise to an enhanced chiro-optical response. The presence of these multipolar resonances in lattices without explicitly broken mirror symmetry is experimentally confirmed by far-field extinction measurements, while the angular, spectral, and spatial dependence of the associated chiral near-field are numerically simulated. In contrast with typical pseudochiral systems, the extended chiro-optical near-field response appears even at normal incidence. We believe that surface lattice resonances in achiral plasmonic lattices can be potentially utilized as a substrate for enhanced background-free enantioselectivity and tunable chiral molecule recognition over large areas.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)23620-23627
Number of pages8
JournalJournal of Physical Chemistry C
Issue number38
Publication statusPublished - 26 Sept 2019


G.P. was supported by UNAM-PAPIIT IA102117, UNAM-PAPIIT IN107319, and by INFR-2016-01-268414, INFR-2018-01-293349 from CONACyT. M.R. is grateful for financial support through the innovational Research Incentives Scheme (Vici Grant No. 680-47-628). C.O. was supported by UNAM-PAPIIT IN107318. G.P. and C.O. were supported by PIIF-UNAM. G.P. thanks Dr. David Ley and Ing. Hesiquio Vargas for technical assistance.


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