Exploring the impact of educative materials on teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge.

Dury Bayram Jacobs, Ineke Henze, Maria Evagorou, Yael Shwartz, Elin Leirvoll Aschim, Silvia Alcaraz-Dominguez, Etty Dagan, Mario Barajas

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionAcademicpeer-review


Science teachers’ professional development needs to consider the changing focus of science education. This qualitative study included an international team of ENGAGE researchers working in Cyprus, Israel, Norway, and Spain. Together, they examined the impact of educative materials on 31 teachers’ PCK. Primary data sources were the teachers’ lesson preparation forms and lesson reflection forms. To support the PCK data collection, the teachers’ lessons were observed with an observation table. The data were coded by using Atlas. ti qualitative data analysis software. Frequent online and face-to-face team meetings were needed to reach consensus on the procedures and to ensure consistency. Results of this study showed that some teachers changed their PCK, especially the aspect of the PCK related to their instructional strategies, after using the ENGAGE materials in their teaching. Years of general teaching experience seemed to have no correlation with the quality of the teachers’ PCK. In all countries, the less developed part of PCK was about assessment. Implications include designing shorter teacher professional development that can potentially influence teachers’ PCK.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationESERA 2017
Publication statusPublished - 2017
Externally publishedYes
EventESERA 2017 Conference Dublin City University - Dublin City University, Dublin, Ireland
Duration: 21 Aug 201725 Aug 2017


ConferenceESERA 2017 Conference Dublin City University


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