Experimental and numerical studies of the effects of hydrogen addition on the structure of a laminar methane-nitrogen jet in hot coflow under MILD Conditions

A.V. Sepman, S.E. Abtahizadeh, A.V. Mokhov, J.A. Oijen, van, H.B. Levinsky, L.P.H. Goey, de

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In this work we investigate the effects of hydrogen addition on the flame structure of MILD combustion both experimentally and numerically using a laminar-jet-in-hot-coflow (LJHC) geometry. The addition of hydrogen appreciably decreases the flame height (~25%), however only modestly affects the maximal flame temperature and the thickness of combustion zone. The NO distribution is dominated by mixing of the NO formed in the coflow with the reaction products of the diluted fuel, with negligible NO formation from the fuel in all flames studied. The numerical data are in reasonably good agreement with the measurements.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)13802-13811
Number of pages10
JournalInternational Journal of Hydrogen Energy
Issue number31
Publication statusPublished - 2013


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