Equality and priority

M.B. Peterson, S.O. Hansson

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This article argues that, contrary to the received view, prioritarianism and egalitarianism are not jointly incompatible theories in normative ethics. By introducing a distinction between weighing and aggregating, the authors show that the seemingly conflicting intuitions underlying prioritarianism and egalitarianism are consistent. The upshot is a combined position, equality-prioritarianism, which takes both prioritarian and egalitarian considerations into account in a technically precise manner. On this view, the moral value of a distribution of well-being is a product of two factors: the sum of all individuals’ priority-adjustedwell-being, and ameasure of the equality of the distribution in question. Some implications of equality-prioritarianism are considered.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)299-309
Number of pages11
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 2005


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