Energy related design decisions deserve simulation approach

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionAcademic

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Building energy consumption and indoor climate result from complex dynamic thermal interactions between outdoor environment, building structure, environmental control systems, and occupants. This reality is too complicated to be casted in simple expressions, rules or graphs. After a general overview of building energy design tools, the paper describes how / why computer simulation systems can / should be used for design decision support related to building energy performance. The main conclusion is: design decision support (systems) should employ comprehensive building energy simulation models, the designer should be able to "see" energy flows in a design alternative, and the machine should do the work !
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProc. International Conference on Design and Decision Support Systems in Architecture & Urban Planning
Place of PublicationVaals
PublisherEindhoven University of Technology
Publication statusPublished - 1994
Event2nd Design and Decision Support Systems in Architecture & Urban Planning, August 15-19, 1994, Vaals, The Netherlands - Vaals, Netherlands
Duration: 15 Aug 199419 Aug 1994


Conference2nd Design and Decision Support Systems in Architecture & Urban Planning, August 15-19, 1994, Vaals, The Netherlands


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