Elasto-viscoplastic phase field modelling of anisotropic cleavage fracture

P. Shanthraj, B. Svendsen, L. Sharma, F. Roters, D. Raabe

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A finite-strain anisotropic phase field method is developed to model the localisation of damage on a defined family of crystallographic planes, characteristic of cleavage fracture in metals. The approach is based on the introduction of an undamaged configuration, and the inelastic deformation gradient mapping this configuration to a damaged configuration is microstructurally represented by the opening of a set of cleavage planes in the three fracture modes. Crack opening is modelled as a dissipative process, and its evolution is thermodynamically derived. To couple this approach with a physically-based phase field method for brittle fracture, a scalar measure of the overall local damage is introduced, whose evolution is determined by the crack opening rates, and weakly coupled with the non-local phase field energy representing the crack opening resistance in the classical sense of Griffith. A finite-element implementation of the proposed model is employed to simulate the crack propagation path in a laminate and a polycrystalline microstructure. As shown in this work, it is able to predict the localisation of damage on the set of pre-defined cleavage planes, as well as the kinking and branching of the crack resulting from the crystallographic misorientation across the laminate boundary and the grain boundaries respectively.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)19-34
Number of pages16
JournalJournal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids
Publication statusPublished - 1 Feb 2017


  • Anisotropic damage
  • Crystal plasticity
  • Finite strain
  • Phase field


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