Efimov-van der Waals universality for ultracold atoms with positive scattering lengths

P.M.A. Mestrom, J. Wang, C.H. Greene, J.P. D'Incao

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We study the universality of the three-body parameters for systems relevant for ultracold quantum gases with positive s-wave two-body scattering lengths. Our results account for finite-range effects and their universality is tested by changing the number of deeply bound diatomic states supported by our interaction model. We find that the physics controlling the values of the three-body parameters associated with the ground and excited Efimov states is constrained by a variational principle and can be strongly affected by d-wave interactions that prevent both trimer states from merging into the atom-dimer continuum. Our results enable comparisons to current experimental data and they suggest tests of universality for atomic systems with positive scattering lengths.

Original languageEnglish
Article number032707
Number of pages7
JournalPhysical Review A
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 30 Mar 2017


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