Efficient evaluation of hearing ability

B. Vries, de (Inventor), S.S.J. Stadler (Inventor), A. Leijon (Inventor), T.M.H. Dijkstra (Inventor)

Research output: PatentPatent publication

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A system for establishing a hearing ability model of a hearing ability of a person, includes a data storage configured to store a representation of a distribution of a hearing ability of a population of individuals, and a processor configured to establish a hearing ability model representing a hearing ability of the person based at least in part on (i) information regarding a person's response to a stimulus of a hearing evaluation event, and (ii) the representation of the distribution of the hearing ability of the population. Also published as: EP2238899 (A1)
Original languageEnglish
Patent numberEP2238899
Publication statusPublished - 6 Apr 2009


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